The Accidental Seduction pocket FM: Full Story, Review, and Download

In this vast world of audiobooks, Pocket FM has become an important platform for audio stories, offering captivating stories across genres. And one of those stories is “The Accidental Seduction.” This audiobook combines love, mystery and unexpected events into one thrilling narrative. That keeps the audience glued to their seats. In this review, we’ll delve into the story and , explore its key highlights and provide guidance on how to download the audiobook. So Let’s Get Started

The Accidental Seduction: Source – Pocket FM

Review Of The Accidental Seduction Pocket FM

TitleThe Accidental Seduction
Duration62 hrs 25 mins
Number of Episodes320
Key CharactersJennifer Park, Nate White
Plot OverviewAfter a broken engagement, Jennifer Park must marry Nate White to save her dying brother, but secrets unravel as she questions who Nate really is.
Highlighted EpisodesEp 1: A Night of Passion
Ep 2: Burning Questions
Ep 3: The Eyes of Mr. White
Ep 4: The Proposal
Unlocked Episodes7 Episodes available for free
Locked EpisodesEpisodes from 8 onwards require coins to unlock or wait for free access
Main ThemesRomance, Mystery, Family Sacrifice
PublisherLight Dance

The Accidental Seduction Summary

A broken engagement. A night of unforgettable passion. This wasn’t the life Jennifer Park pictured for herself, but she’ll do anything to save her dying brother… even marry a complete stranger. But the more she learns about her new husband, the more desperately she needs to know: just who is the mysterious Nate White?

Story Overview of The Accidental Seduction

“The Accidental Seduction” is a romance audiobook that explores the fine line between desire and unwanted passion. The story revolves around two main characters who find themselves in an unexpected situation that sparks a deep, unexpected connection. An innocent misunderstanding grows into love and fate. It questions the delicate balance between the characters – and lets the audience sink into the web of emotions

Set against a backdrop of rich cultural settings, this audiobook presents a blend of modern day romance with traditional elements, offering something fresh yet relatable. It combines emotional depth with moments of humor, light-heartedness and sensual tension, keeping the audience hooked from start to finish.

The Accidental Seduction Full Story Episode 1 To 7

Jennifer cheated with a random stranger. She let him have his way with her body. She let all of this happen because of what her fiance did to her yesterday. That fateful night, Jennifer found her man with another woman. Simon, Jennifer screamed.

Hearing his girlfriend, a terrified Simon froze and got off of the other woman. Jennifer thought she was watching her worst nightmare except it was about to get worse. The woman her soulmate was sleeping with was none other than her own sister, Erica. Jennifer was a crying mess. What was she going to do?

In a matter of moments, she had lost the 2 people whom she loved the most in the world. It’s all my fault for not seeing the signs before. How could I have been so blind? She yelled as tears streamed down her face. Jennifer ran from the house and drove recklessly to the bar.

She started to drink her pain away. One glass, then another. The drinks kept coming. As she stumbled out of the bar, night had fallen. The lights of New York City blinded her as Jennifer cried out in a drunken stupor, oh my god, why me?

Isn’t my life shitty enough that you had to make it a little bit more hellish? She hung her head low and whispered, won’t no one ever love me? Just then, a bunch of men surrounded her. Do you think this is her? One of them said gruffly.

Who cares bro? Let’s just get her there. A man grabbed Jennifer. Hey. Let me go.

Who are you guys? Jennifer flailed her arms in desperate attempt to break away from her kidnappers. One of them laughed. Feisty, isn’t she? Let’s see how well you move after this.

He slipped a pill into her mouth and forced her to swallow it. Jennifer’s body grew limp as the man carried her to a car parked in an alleyway. They drove away from there. The next thing Jennifer knew was that she was in a strange room on a bed. Where am I?

She thought as her blurry vision made out a silhouette of a man standing with his back to her. He was talking to someone on the phone. You cannot be serious, John. Kidnapping someone like that. His deep voice rumbled.

Oh, relax, Nate. You’re gonna have the time of your life with this beauty, that I got you. Isn’t she hot? John said on the other end. Who is this man?

Wondered Jennifer. Nate, the name echoed in her ears. Nate’s eyes glinted as he took one look at the woman lying on his bed. You know how much I despise women. Why would you do this to me?

He said gruffly. Oh, come on, bro. She ain’t that bad. Just treat her like she’s a special birthday gift from me. John chuckled as he cut the call.

Hello? Hello? Oh, god damn it. Nate said in a frustrated voice. All this while, Jennifer, who was in and out of consciousness wondered, what am I doing here?

Where the hell am I? She could feel the man’s body heat closing in on her as he cutted her face. Miss, are you awake? Jennifer tried opening her eyes fully, but couldn’t. Yeah.

She managed to croak out. Good. Now, get the hell out of here before I Nate was cut off as Jennifer held his face and kissed him deeply. What? Nate was flustered.

Somehow, he was not repulsed by her. Instead, there was a connection he had never felt before. Before he knew it, he had grabbed her by the waist and he started to kiss her. Jennifer looked deep into his gray eyes, his muscles flexing above her. She held onto his soft, luscious curls as they consensually made love all night long.

The next morning, Nate awoke before Jennifer. What the heck did I do last night? He felt as the flashbacks came flooding in. She was drunk. I should not have slept with her.

He thought to himself as he looked over at the sleeping Jennifer. Why do you have to be so beautiful? He whispered slowly, running his fingers through her hair. This was the first time in a long while that Nate was ever drawn to a woman. Nate shook those thoughts off as he got up out of bed and locked himself in the bathroom.

I need to clear my mind. Maybe a shower is gonna help, he thought as he stood beneath the running water. A few moments later, Jennifer woke up with a start. Oh, no. Oh my god.

No. What the hell did I do last night? She panicked as she looked around. This is not my room. Where the heck am I?

She checked out the bedroom she was in for clues. It was far more luxurious than hers, possibly belonging to some rich guy. Oh my god. I slept with a total stranger. She said to herself as she heard the shower running.

I have to get out of here before he comes out of the bathroom. She gathered her dress that was crumbled on the floor. She made her way to the door and saw that it was unlocked, pushing it open as she tiptoed across the hallway and dashed out of the house. That was fairly easy, Jennifer thought as she made her way down to the street. She didn’t even get a good look at the guy.

She only knew his eyes and his touch. He felt so good. I wonder who he was. Flashes of the events last night flooded her memories. Will I ever meet him again?

She thought as she closed her eyes and pictured his tall shadow looming over her. Her phone rang, breaking her little daydream. Hey, Jen. I know you are so mad at me and deservedly so. How about you and I meet later today in the cafe?

Her sister Erica’s voice came through the other end. Jennifer’s face darkened. Why do you wanna see me? She said bitterly. Aren’t you happy now that you have everything you’ve ever wished for?

Jen, I really am sorry, but I can’t speak to you if you’re so hostile like this. I need to see you to come clean. So why don’t we both talk it over coffee like mature adults? Oh, please. Don’t give me a lesson on maturity when you’re the one who stole my man.

But fine. I’ll see your pathetic self if that means you’ll stop calling me. Jennifer snapped as she hung up. I bet she doesn’t even regret what she’s done. Typical Erica.

Always selfish and envious of other people. Jennifer scoffed as she made her way into the apartment. Her tiny cramped space was a reminder of just how miserable her life was. Her mother passed away when she was a teenager, and her wealthy father cast her out as soon as he married Erica’s mom, Lynn. Since then, Erica has been the chosen daughter of the family, and Jennifer was forgotten.

Modeling gigs helped pay for her place, but it was just not enough. Jennifer slumped on her couch and passed out, dreaming about the night before. His hot breath against her lips and his piercing gaze were all she could see in her dream when her phone alarm rang again. Oh, shoot. I was supposed to meet up with Erica, she said jumping out of her sleep.

She quickly changed into a fresh pair of jeans and was out of the house on her way to see her evil stepsister, Erica. How could she possibly cover up for her affair with Jennifer’s fiance? Jen, right here. Erica said waving her hand. Jennifer sat down across from her.

Look, Erica. I cannot stand any more of your lies. Okay? For years, I have dealt with you and your narcissism. So why don’t you just tell me the truth and let me go once and for all?

Jennifer said not meeting Erica’s big blue eyes. Jen, that’s why I called you here. To tell you the truth and come clean. Now that I’m having Simon’s baby, I’m gonna need you to back the hell off, she said smiling. Excuse me?

What do you mean? Jennifer said as Erica took out a checkbook and started writing aggressively. A $100,000 is gonna do the job right? I suppose you’ll need money considering how little you make, Erica said pitifully. How dare you insult me like that?

You think I will stoop that low? Offering me money to back out of my very own engagement? Hey. Calm down. This is just compensation for your trouble.

I mean, I know you were gonna marry him for money so why not get out of the way? Erica offered a check. Jennifer, in a swift motion, tore the check and sent a ringing slap across Erica’s face. I am not a cheap lowlife who sabotages relationships. I, unlike you, have dignity.

So you can stick your money wherever you please but I won’t be accepting any of that. Jennifer rose up from her seat and left the cafe. Everyone was staring at Erica who was in tears. Fine. You wanna do it your way, right?

She sneered at Jennifer. You wanna play dirty, sis? Let’s play dirty. She must have slipped out when I was in the shower, Nate thought to himself as he sat down on the bed. Back at his apartment, Nate had gotten out of the shower to find his bed empty.

The woman he’d slept with last night was gone, and so were her belongings. The messy sheets reminded him of her. She had an almost intoxicating effect on him. Everything about her, her lips, her hair, and her body made him go crazy. Nate picked up his phone and made a call.

Hey, Mike. Listen. I need you to find out more about the woman who left my hotel room this morning. Can you do that for me? He said desperately.

No problem, boss. I will get to it right now. Mike, Nate’s assistant, chimed in. As he hung up the phone, Nate glanced at the sparkling object on the floor and picked it up. I will find you, he whispered, inspecting the little ring.

Elsewhere, Jennifer was making her way down the street in a rush. Moments ago, she had gotten a call from the hospital. Miss Park, it’s about your brother. He over exhausted himself during the training and had a heart attack. It is very serious, and we need you here immediately.

The nurse had said over the phone. Jennifer sensed the panic in her voice and could not help but be terrified. I am coming as fast as I can. Please do everything you can to save him. As soon as Jennifer entered, the doctor emerged from the room with a grave look on his face and said, miss Jennifer, I understand that your brother is suffering from a very rare condition.

Jennifer nodded frantically as she spoke. That’s that’s right, doctor. How is he now? Is he okay? Your brother’s condition is stable now, but I’m afraid that he needs surgery as soon as possible.

Jennifer looked down as her eyes filled with tears. How much is that gonna cost me, doctor? She asked with a trembling voice. About 50,000. We’ll need you to deposit the amount first, and then we will proceed with the surgery.

Jennifer was devastated. Where was she gonna find $50,000 in such a short span of time? Don’t worry, doctor. I am gonna deposit the money within a week. She put on a brave face.

Alright. You can see your brother when we shift him to the ward shortly. Jennifer sat down with a slum. She almost contemplated taking the money that Erica offered her, but there was no going back on that. She was on her own for this one.

Ben, how are you feeling, buddy? Jennifer asked as she entered her brother’s hospital room. Ben looked up from his book and smiled at her. Hey, Jen. I feel better than before, he said weakly.

Ben’s condition broke Jennifer’s heart. You need to start taking care of yourself. Okay? Dad cannot support us anymore. She said, stroking his head.

But he’s our dad and he should be able to help us more. I don’t understand why he has to cut us off like this, Ben said. Hey, calm down. We we don’t want your heart to go crazy. Right?

And don’t worry, I’ll take care of it. Jennifer said smiling. Oh, right. Is your fiance, Simon, the one who can pay for my treatment? Ben’s face lit up.

If only he knew about his sister’s broken engagement and that Simon was nothing but a cheat. Jennifer smiled weakly as she shook her head and looked down, hiding her tears from Ben. Yeah. About that, Ben, I really need to tell you something, she said straightening up. Actually, I just then, the door opened as a bunch of nurses and doctors came barging into the room.

What’s going on? Where are you taking him? Jennifer said as the doctors wheeled her brother out of the room to her shock. Hey, come back here. Jennifer said as she followed them outside.

Ben, stay calm. I’ll come to you soon. Okay? Jennifer said, looking into Ben’s helpless eyes. Jennifer went up to Ben’s doctor who was skimming through a file and asked in a panic, what happened?

I told you I’m gonna give you the money soon. Oh, sorry, ma’am. It it seems like we’ve gotten orders to move your brother to the VIP suite, the doctor said nonchalantly. I am sorry. What?

The VIP suite? What? But I can’t pay for that. Jennifer said as the doctor smiled and put a hand on her shoulder. No need to worry.

It has already been taken care of. Why don’t I take you up to the room? He said, escorting her to the elevator. The VIP suite was beautiful, more like a hotel than a hospital. Jennifer was caught off guard by the luxuriousness of the room.

Who was this secret benefactor? She wondered as she saw Ben cozily nestled in his new bed. He was as bewildered as her. I can’t complain. This is like amazing treatment, but why are they doing this?

Jennifer shook her head. No idea, but, yeah, I gotta admit this is pretty cool. She said looking around. Ben’s face lit up. I bet Simon’s the one behind this upgrade, right?

He said excitedly. Jennifer’s expression turned cold. Actually, about that, Simon and I are she was cut off by a nurse who barged into the room. Miss Jennifer Park, the head of the hospital wants to meet you, she said. She hung her head and nodded.

Okay. I guess I’ll see you later, Ben. Take good care of him, she said, turning to the nurse. It was turning out to be a strange day. Why were they upgraded?

And why was everyone being super nice to her? Most importantly, why was the head of the hospital wanting to see her? Jennifer was totally confused. Back in Nate’s office. Hey, Nate.

How are you? John said, entering the room. He looked sheepish, guilty even. John, glad you are here. I have a lot to say to you, Nate said, pointing to the chair in front of him.

John sat down sweating nervously, not making eye contact with Nate’s piercing gaze. Listen, ma’am. I’m so sorry about that night. I did not know that she would end up that way, he said nervously. Nate stood up and grabbed John by the collar.

Did you do something to her? He snarled. No. No, Nate. I didn’t.

I swear. Lesson learned. I will not kidnap anyone ever again. Get out, Nate said, pushing him out. Nate smirked to himself.

So it was an accidental seduction. May I come in, sir? Came Mike’s voice. He entered the big office carrying a bunch of files with him. Here’s the information you needed about the woman.

Very well, Nate said. Mike nodded and left the room, leading Nate to peruse the files. His long, slender fingers flipped through the pages. Jennifer Park, aspiring model, he whispered to himself. Oh, you’re engaged.

He frowned, looking at the new information. We’ll have to change that. Nate flipped out his phone and dialed the doctor’s number. Peter, take care of it. You know what to do.

He said, I know. I will handle it. You don’t have to worry about it. Yeah. She is here and she is on her way, Peter said on the phone.

As Peter hung up, there were a series of knocks on the door. Yeah. Come in. He said gently as Jennifer slowly entered the room. Hi.

I am Jennifer Park. You wanted to see me? Peter Yule, head of this wonderful establishment, he said with a smile. Please, make yourself comfortable. He pointed to the chair in front of his desk.

Thanks. I love the new upgrade, by the way. I hear that someone is paying for it? Jennifer started barraging him with questions. I’m glad you like it, miss Park.

Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to tell you who your benefactor is. But think of it as a favor from a kind stranger, Peter explained. Right. Well, I thank them from the bottom of my heart. We really appreciate this, she said gratefully.

There was something about Peter, something she couldn’t really put her finger on. It felt as if he was observing her every move. His inquisitive gaze made her sweat nervously as if she was being tested. He broke the uncomfortable silence. Well, I am sure your well wisher is very happy to help you out.

Jennifer nodded. Can you tell me more about my brother and what exactly is needed for him? She asked. Peter’s face turned grave. Miss Parks, I reviewed your brother’s case, and I really am sorry.

Things are not looking good for him. Jennifer’s expression was marked with fear. Why? What is the matter, doctor? I’ve been informed that he needs urgent surgery, and I plan on depositing the money soon.

Peter removed his glasses and looked very serious. Miss Park, your brother needs immediate open heart surgery. That is the only way his condition can be treated. But this can be cured, right, with the surgery that you mentioned? Jennifer said with her brow still furrowed.

I am sorry, miss Park, but the surgery window is long gone. If you opt for 1 now, then it is going to be a very risky one, he said with a serious look in his eyes. Jennifer was on the verge of tears. Oh my god. Then what are we going to do?

Please, I have to save him. He is my only family. Jennifer sobbed. Peter sat down deep in thought. After contemplating for a while, he finally spoke.

There is someone. He is one of the most competent surgeons I know. He is the only one who can perform this surgery successfully. I need to know who he is. I will talk to him myself.

Jennifer wiped her tears. This was the only hope for saving her brother, and she was willing to do whatever it took. Peter looked tense, causing Jennifer to become concerned. What’s wrong? She asked.

He left the medical field ages ago. He is now working with the Raven Corporation. You would have to meet him to find out. Jennifer’s face fell. Please, if he doesn’t help, my brother will die.

Peter understood Jennifer’s desperation. He said, here’s the address. Go to the Raven Corporation headquarters and ask for mister White. You’ll find him there. All the best.

Jennifer nodded. Thank you so much for your help. And with that, she left the room. Peter smiled to himself as he picked up his phone and dialed. It’s working.

She’s coming your way. Good work, doctor Peter, in the cold and deep voice from the other end. Who was this voice? Was Jennifer walking into a trap? Will Jennifer’s brother live?

Why does this feel like a trap? Jennifer thought. The imposing headquarters of the Raven Corporation made Jennifer feel small. She stood outside watching the revolving door spin, shuttling people in and out at an alarming pace. Jennifer took a deep breath and stepped inside.

One of many entering the bustling office. Inside, 2 secretaries stood guard checking in visitors. They were both impeccably dressed, wearing much nicer clothing than Jennifer could ever have afforded. Can I help you? Asked the first secretary.

I am here to see someone called mister White. I was told he works here, Jennifer said. The secretaries exchanged an incredulous look, then both turned to Jennifer. Do you have an appointment with mister White? Asked the second secretary.

No. It’s an emergency. I was told he’s the only one who could help me, Jennifer said. You have to have an appointment to see mister White. He has meetings scheduled all day today, said the secretary with contempt in her voice.

He is far too important to make time for someone like you. Please, begged Jennifer. I have to see him immediately. The second secretary waved over the nearby security guard. Sir, please remove this woman from the lobby.

She doesn’t have an appointment. The burly security guard put a hand on Jennifer’s shoulder. Ma’am, come with me. Jennifer became frantic and desperate. She ripped the guard’s hand off of her shoulder.

You’re not listening to me. My brother is dying, and this mister White person is the only one who can save him. The secretaries scoffed in unison. Why would someone as important as mister White care about that? Said the first secretary.

The guard pushed Jennifer towards the door. She felt so small and powerless. Her brother was alone and dying. This was her one chance to save him, and she had already failed. Every second that passed was a lost opportunity to heal his heart.

Each step towards the door felt like an eternity. Jennifer tried to plead with the security guard, but he wouldn’t even look at her. You have to leave now, he said as he pushed Jennifer towards the revolving door back outside. Jennifer turned and slipped in her heels. She fell to the ground hurting her knees on the immaculate marble floors of the Raven Corporation.

Please just give me a chance to explain. She said as the guard tried to pull her up. She looked into his eyes desperate to think of something that could save her brother, but she couldn’t find the right words to say. Excuse me. Are you miss Park?

Said a quiet voice. Both Jennifer and the security guard turned to look at who was talking to them. It was a small man dressed in a perfectly tailored suit. Are you miss Park? He asked again.

Yes. That’s me, said Jennifer. Excellent. Mister White is expecting you, said the man. Please follow me.

The security guard shared a confused look back at the man. Are you sure this is the right person? Are you questioning mister White’s judgment? Asked the man, his tone switching from pleasant to cold in an instant. Never, said the guard.

A moment ago, Jennifer was so afraid of him. Powerless to stop him from pulling her out of the building. But now, he looked so small as if she could step right over him with her high heels. Great. Now, miss Park, please follow me, said the mysterious man.

We can’t keep mister White waiting for us. Jennifer followed him past the secretaries. Their eyes went wide as she strolled right through the lobby and into the VIP elevator. Jennifer smirked at the thought of them gossiping about who she was after she left. But all those thoughts went away when the elevator doors closed and she was trapped in the small room with this strange man.

She took several deep breaths as she tried to understand what was happening to her. Excuse me, sir. She asked demurely. Can you tell me Excuse me, sir, she asked demurely. Can you tell me what’s going on here?

I’m Mike, mister White’s assistant. I’m bringing you to meet with him, he said matter of factly. Mike had been mister White’s assistant for a very long time now. He knew everything about Nate White from how he liked his eggs over easy with sourdough toast that was almost burnt to his ideal form of exercise using his private climbing gym that reached 10 stories high, the tallest private climbing gym in the world. But what Mike knew most of all about his boss was that mister White hated women.

As the head of one of the world’s most powerful corporations, mister White didn’t have time to waste with women’s petty emotions and problems. In the whole time that Mike had worked for mister White, he had never seen his boss so much as ride the elevator alone with a woman, let alone cancel an important meeting to make time for one. And yet, here was a strange, pretty woman getting the VIP treatment that so many others would kill to receive. This Jennifer woman was beautiful. But was she more beautiful than any of the countless actresses and celebrities who threw themselves at mister White only to find themselves rejected?

But I don’t have an appointment with mister White, Jennifer said. I thought I had to have an appointment in order to see him. Technically, yes. You do have to make an appointment in order to see mister White. His schedule is quite busy and almost everyone, including our most respected clients, have to wait months before they can have a meeting with him.

So why am I getting brought up now? Asked Jennifer. Mike stared back at her, confused by who this woman was. Before he could answer, the elevator doors opened and the room flooded with light. The room had the most spectacular view Jennifer had ever seen overlooking the entire city.

Mister White, miss Park has arrived. Mike announced with his hands clasped behind his back. A mysterious voice spoke up from the far side of the room. Come in. Just hearing that voice made Jennifer uneasy.

It was cold and deep, but with a quality that drew her closer. She could tell this was a real man. Someone who made difficult decisions all day. The voice matched the office, which was cold and sleek. Every chair was made from high quality black leather.

The desk was hardwood, a dark brown, like a glass of aged Scotch. Sitting behind it was a man unlike any she had ever seen. He had a muscular jaw and thick hair that was perfectly cut. He was dressed in a black shirt with his head down looking over some important paperwork. So important, he didn’t even look up from his desk when talking to her.

Miss Park, he said coldly, I hear you’ve got something important to say to me. At that moment, Jennifer forgot why she had even come here. All she could think of was trying to get a better look at this man who seemed to have come straight out of her dreams. Jennifer regained her composure and finally remembered why she was there. Mister White, I have a favor to ask of you.

It would save my brother’s life. At the mention of her brother, mister White looked up from his work and Jennifer looked into his piercing blue eyes for the very first time. Those eyes which had been so focused on his work just a second ago were now only looking at her. His gaze knocked the air out of her lungs. It made her gasp.

She was unable to even blink. She was mesmerized. At the same time, something about those eyes felt familiar. No way, she thought dismissively. I remember seeing a man like this.

What’s wrong with your brother? Mister White asked in his deep yet seductive voice. He has a heart disease that requires him to get an operation right away. But the doctor says the window to act is quickly closing. He’s only 19 years old, but he could die if we don’t fix his heart right away.

The whole story flowed out of her like a tidal wave. The emotion of her brother’s situation filled her eyes with tears. Please, mister White, the hospital said that you’re the only one who could save him. Nate thought over everything she said for what felt like hours. Well, miss Park, that is quite a story you have there.

He finally said in his cool voice. You must know that I haven’t performed any surgery in quite a long time. Jennifer took a step closer, desperate. Yes. But mister Yule at the hospital said you were the best of the best.

No one but you can do this operation. Nate nodded politely. That may be true, but I’m not a surgeon anymore. I’m a businessman now, so I have to look at everything like a businessman does. You are asking me to perform a service.

So how do you propose you’ll pay for it? Jennifer couldn’t think of an answer. Her father had refused to take care of Ben’s medical expenses, and there was no way she could afford to hire a normal surgeon, let alone the best of the best like mister White. What could she possibly give him that he didn’t already have? I don’t know, mister White.

I’m not rich, but I would do anything for my little brother. Mister White put away the papers on his desk and slowly stood up from his chair. He stepped around the desk, each footstep echoing through the office as he combed back his hair. As I’m sure you know, I cannot take time out of my busy schedule to perform a surgery for free. The cost to my company alone would be inexcusable.

Jennifer bowed her head down, afraid of how desperate she must look in front of him. Yes. Of course, mister White. I’m sorry to have wasted your time. Jennifer stared down at her feet in shame.

She really couldn’t do anything to save her brother. This was all for nothing. But then, mister White put his finger on her chin, pulling our face up to look directly at him. He was somehow even more attractive up close than he had been behind the desk. His jaw was immaculately sculpted.

She could see her reflection in his blue eyes. She got lost in them as they stared at her. If you cannot pay for the operation with money, there are other ways you could repay me. And with that, mister White took Jennifer’s left hand and held it in his rugged hands. Marry me, Jennifer Park.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the most beautiful ring Jennifer had ever seen. It made the ring that Simon had given her look like a toy, the way that the diamond glittered in the light. He slipped the ring onto Jennifer’s finger. It felt heavy, but not as heavy as the force on Jennifer’s heart. You must be joking.

She said, trying to catch her breath. Do I look like I’m joking? He asked, staring deep into her soul. She knew in her heart he wasn’t. But she couldn’t possibly marry this stranger.

Could she? This can’t be happening, Jennifer thought frantically. This must be a misunderstanding. But his touch, it feels incredible. Nate held his finger under Jennifer’s chin for what felt like an eternity.

He held more power in that one finger than she had in her whole body. Once upon a time, this would have made her feel powerless, but now she felt connected to someone so different from herself. Jennifer needed to know who this mysterious man was and why his touch felt so strangely familiar. As you know, I haven’t performed this operation in many years, but I can promise you that it will be successful, Nate said with an unmistakable air of confidence. Jennifer held his gaze for a long time.

You appear to be an honorable man. I can tell you’re a good guy, she said. At that, Nate chuckled. A good guy. I don’t do anything because I’m a good guy.

I do it because it will benefit me in some way. Either it will make me lots of money or he let the sentence end there, leaving the implication in Jennifer’s mind. Jennifer asked herself, if he doesn’t want money, what does he want from me? She bit her lip as she tried to think of what to say to him. His scent was flooding her nostrils.

It was a manly smell, like a high end cologne that even Simon would have never been able to afford. With each inhale of his scent, her heart started to beat faster and faster. She could feel the blood rushing to her face, causing her to turn a bright red and blush like a schoolgirl. She tried to regain her composure after getting lost in his eyes and the smell. Mister White, I don’t understand what you want from me.

I’ve already told you. I want a wife. I want you. He said bluntly, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. But why me?

Can’t you find a wife who is better than me, more beautiful than me, less desperate than me? All these questions poured out of Jennifer. She wished she could control herself and not appear so vulnerable to a man powerful like mister White, but she couldn’t stop herself. Nate’s gaze turned dark for a moment after hearing her questions. Do not question my judgment.

I know exactly what I’m doing and exactly what I want. Jennifer felt ashamed that this powerful man was looking down on her. She turned away and tried to run, but she only made it one step before Nate grabbed her arm, forcibly turning her around to face him again. While one hand held her arm so she couldn’t run away again, the other held her waist. He seemed to know the exact contours of her body.

It was as if he knew her more intimately than she knew herself. As his fingers gripped her skin, Jennifer was suddenly struck with a profound sense of deja vu, as if this had all happened once before. But that’s impossible. I’ve never met a man this handsome and powerful before, and I’ve definitely never been touched like this before. And then, it clicked.

Those piercing blue eyes, the expression of passion. She had repressed the memories, but now they flooded back into her mind. That night, in the hotel room, the night she had found out about Simon’s affair and gotten drunk at that bar, She had been kidnapped and drugged by those mysterious strangers. It was all a blur as she woke up drowsy from whatever they had poisoned her with. But in that bed, nothing was forced on her.

A man had come in and she remembered kissing him. He kissed her back more passionately than she had ever been kissed before. His strong muscles had pressed down on her as they made love all night. She’d woken up that morning unable to remember the face of the man who had been with her for the whole night. The only thing she knew for sure was that it wasn’t her fiance, Simon.

She had tried so hard to forget it had ever happened. But being here now, looking up into Nate’s eyes, she realized that it was Nate who had taken her that night. That is when she realized she needed to have him again. If I marry you, you promise to take care of my brother. You promise that you’ll fix his heart and he’ll be able to get out of that hospital.

Yes. I guarantee it, he said confidently. If you cure him, I promise to marry you, she said, trying not to betray her strange excitement at the idea. That won’t work. I need to have you now.

Then and only then will I perform the operation that will save your brother’s life. She could tell how Nate had been able to turn himself into such a powerful businessman. The way he negotiated with her made it feel like his offer was the best and only offer he would provide. Okay. I’ll marry you.

And with those words, Nick gripped her waist harder than he already was and pulled her in close for a passionate kiss. Jennifer closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment, hoping that it would never end. When it did end, she wanted nothing more than to kiss him again, but his firm grasp held her in place. I promise that you will not regret this. You will have everything my empire can provide you, and I will never leave you, never abandon you.

You will, in short, never be alone again, he said. Only a few moments ago, Jennifer had not even known who this man was. She still didn’t understand what he saw in her and what he had planned for her. But she knew that he was telling the truth. She knew deep in her heart that when he said he would be with her always, he meant it.

Nate snapped his fingers and instantly a collection of men entered the room. What’s all this? Jennifer asked. We’re getting married, Nate replied, completely matter of factly. The group included Mike, Nate’s assistant, and an ordained minister who eloquently but quickly read them their vows.

Do you, Nate White, take Jennifer Park to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in marriage for as long as you both shall live? Nate stared into her eyes once more and plainly said, I do. For as long as she could remember, Jennifer had dreamed of this day in which the man of her dreams would say these two words to her, and now all of a sudden, and out of nowhere, that day had come. It felt like some kind of fever dream, but she knew it was really happening when the minister turned to her and repeated the question. Do you, Jennifer Park, take Nate White to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in marriage for as long as you both shall live?

Looking at Nate, she couldn’t believe that the question was being asked of her. She had prepared to say those vows to Simon until he threw everything they had built together away in favor of her more famous and glamorous sister Erica. But she had to admit to herself that Nate was a big step up from Simon. He was richer than Simon, he was more attractive than Simon, and from the way he was looking at her now, she thought that he might just love her more than Simon as well. And with that thought, she said the two words that she had dreamed of saying ever since she was a little girl.

I do. The minister smiled and nodded. By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Jennifer couldn’t even take a breath before Nate pulled her in towards his body to kiss her.

It was somehow even more passionate than the way he had kissed her moments before or how he had kissed her that night when they first met. As heartbroken as she was by Simon, Jennifer knew that this was a dream come true. So why didn’t it feel real yet? Nate took her down to his private limo, so they could go to the hospital and he could meet her brother and begin preparations for the operation he would undertake. After they sat down, Nate handed her their marriage certificate.

Here it was, written in ink, the reality of their marriage. It wasn’t just a dream. It was here in her hands. Jennifer had known Simon for years before they even started dating. It took so long for them to even broach the topic of marriage, and longer still for Simon to get down on one knee and propose to her.

But here she was, married to a different man. A man whose name she didn’t even know hours before. A man who was so much bigger than her. A man who was magnitudes more important than her in every way. The kind of man who just yesterday would not have even looked her way if they crossed paths on the street.

But something kept Jennifer from fully enjoying this moment. What if we’re late? She thought desperately. Will Nate have time to save my brother, or will all of this have been for nothing? Ben is on death’s door, and we’re stuck in traffic.

We have to go faster. Jennifer sat in the back of the limo, still unable to believe that all of this was real. Earlier that day, she was at her lowest abandoned by her fiance in favor of her sister, with her dear baby brother in the hospital dying of a rare heart condition that was near impossible to cure. She was now married to a man who was superior to her ex fiance in every way. Seated in the back of the very expensive limo and on her way to rescue her brother from an early death.

Nate’s attention was fully on his business as he replied to emails on his cell phone. I need to thank him for what he’s doing somehow, Jennifer thought. She touched his thigh to get his attention. He turned his face up from his phone to look at her, but his gaze knocked the wind out of her. Mister White, I just wanna say that.

Before she could say more, he held up a finger, silencing her. Do not call me mister White. Only my employees and those below me call me that. I am your husband. You can call me husband or simply call me Nate.

Jennifer caught her breath and tried again. Okay, Nate. I just wanted to thank you for what you’re doing for my brother. I thought I was going to lose him forever, but thanks to you, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest. I know how busy you are, and it means so much to me that you’re taking time out of your day to do this.

She expected me to smile and promise her that everything would be okay once he successfully performed the operation on Ben’s heart. But instead, his expression was cold and emotionless. Do not thank me for what I am going to do. I am your husband. It is my responsibility to do anything and everything I can for you.

What kind of husband would I be if I did not? I I I didn’t. Jennifer started, but she trailed off. If you are to be my wife, you need to learn how to behave like one. That means knowing how to speak to me and those I work for.

If you had said something like that in front of one of my employees, how would it look? It would make me look cheap and thoughtless. It would be shameful and ruin my reputation. You need to do better. Jennifer nodded.

Yes. Of course. I won’t do it again. With that, Nate returned to his work. But this time, with one hand, he reached out and held her thumb.

His fingers rubbed against her skin. They were cold and tough. But her warmth passed into them and started to make them feel hot. I don’t understand, Nate, Jennifer thought. He’s so passionate about me, the way he looks at me and touches me, but he also has a temper when people don’t meet his expectations.

Before she could think about it more, the limo came to a stop, and the driver opened the door for them. We have arrived at the hospital, sir. The driver took Jennifer’s hand as she stepped out. It made her feel like a royalty the way everyone bent over backward as she entered the hospital, carefully stepping out of their way to give them room to pass. 2 nurses who were extremely busy with paperwork paused to watch them walk by.

When Nate enters the building, everyone stops to get a good look at him, Jennifer thought. One nurse turned to her friend and whispered, there’s mister White. I haven’t seen him at the hospital since he quit being a surgeon. What is he doing back here? Who is that woman next to him?

Look at how she is holding his arm. She is so lucky. The wish that was made, her friend replied as she fluttered her eyes. But doesn’t mister White hate being around women? I remember that from when he used to work here.

All the nurses would throw their selves at him, but he always refused our advances. Her friend shrugged. Maybe she’s blackmailing him. The nurse left, mister White, get blackmailed? He would never fall for something like that.

No. He must have something very special planned for her. The 2 nurses watched Jennifer and Luke walk into the elevator specifically designed for the VIP ward. When the doors closed on them, taking them out of sight, they finally returned to their home. The elevator rose and rose until it landed at the very top of the hospital.

When the doors opened, the drab hospital was left behind for something more like a luxury hotel that overlooked the entire city. Nate turned to Jennifer and held her shoulder. Take me to where your brother is. I want to meet my new brother-in-law. Jennifer still was not used to the way he spoke to her as his wife, and she realized that this would be an even bigger shock to poor Ben.

About that, could we please not tell Ben about our marriage? His heart is sick and he doesn’t even know that my engagement assignment is over. Jennifer stared at him, but couldn’t read his thoughts. She could tell he was passionate about her, but wondered if he might lose interest soon and abandon her just like Simon had abandoned her for Erica. Nate grabbed Jennifer’s hand.

She wasn’t very good at hiding her emotions. She was turning red as she blushed after asking her questions. And when he held her, she turned even more red. You want to keep our marriage a secret? He asked.

I worry that this could be too much for his heart to handle. Could we please wait until after you perform the operation to tell him? With one hand still grasping her hand, the other reached under her chin and held her gaze. She couldn’t turn her head away even if she had wanted to. You are my wife.

Are you not? Yes. She trembled. Then remember this, you are mine and I am yours. I will never leave you.

I will always be here for you. Anything you need, I will provide. You can always count on me. Can I always count on you? Jennifer held her breath and steeled herself for the answer.

Could she really commit herself to someone she barely knew? His eyes looked at her as if he owned her. And deep down, she knew in some ways he did. It scared her, but it also made her feel protected. Yes, she said.

He smiled. Good. Now let’s go meet my brother in law. They arrived at Ben’s hospital room and found him watching TV on the high definition flat screen provided with the VIP suite. He cheered when he saw his big sister come in.

Sister, check out this huge TV. It’s bigger than the one I have at home. Isn’t this place great? Ben’s smile dropped when he saw me. Who’s this guy?

Ben had grown up alongside Jennifer Simon. Ben looked at Simon like a big brother he never had. There were a lot of things Jennifer could never provide for Ben as his sister, and Simon was able to fill that role for him. She knew that in Ben’s mind, Simon was already his brother-in-law. So how would he react to meeting Nate?

She had to broach this subject carefully. Before she could say a word, Nate stepped ahead and sat at the foot of Ben’s bed. Hello, Ben. My wife has told me a lot about you. Ben scratched his head, confused.

Your wife? Do I do I know her? Nate smiled. Yes. Jennifer has told me about your condition.

You’re in desperate need of an operation, and that is where I come in. I don’t understand, Ben said slowly. You’re engaged to Simon. Right? I was worried that I might not live long enough to see the wedding.

But now, you’re telling me that not only can this guy cure me, but you also married him. A complete and total stranger? Jennifer didn’t know what to say, so she nodded her head. Yep. Nate put a hand on Ben’s shoulder.

You’re my family now, and I always take care of my family. Ben’s eyes dashed from side to side as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. But brother-in-law, did you cheat on Simon? Ben’s eyes rolled back into his head and then closed. He fell backward unconscious.

Jennifer dashed to his bed trying to wake him back up. No. I didn’t cheat on Simon. I promise. But Ben didn’t hear her, please.

Nate pulled Jennifer back out of the room as the nurses of the VIP ward rushed in to care for him. She could only watch as they close the door behind her. Soon, he was out of sight. All Jennifer had was Nate, holding her in his muscular arms. Jennifer trembled, her mind wracked with guilt.

Did I just kill my brother? I’m going crazy just waiting out here. Jennifer was wracked with panic and guilt as she waited for an update about her brother, Ben. She had hoped to delicately tell Ben the news of her marriage to the wealthy and powerful Nate. But Nate was not the kind of man to beat around the bush.

He sat right in front of Ben and told him everything. And just like Jennifer had been afraid of, her baby brother couldn’t handle it, and he fainted from the shock of their sudden marriage. If Ben doesn’t make it, I’ll never forgive myself. Jennifer paced back and forth watching the closed door, desperate for it to finally open so she could see her brother again and make sure he was okay. Nate, for his part, was busy working in the VIP lobby, answering one important phone call after another.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, the doors opened. The nurses and doctors exited Ben’s room and approached Jennifer. Everything with Ben is okay. He just fainted. We have him stabilized now and we will make sure he’s monitored.

Jennifer jumped to her feet and ran into the room. Ben was sitting right where she had left him, in his hospital bed. She ran and gave him a big bear hug. Oh, baby brother, I’m so glad you’re okay. Ben tried to push her off of him, but her grip was just too tight.

I’m fine, seriously. You don’t have to worry about me all the time. Jennifer finally let go and pushed her hair behind her ears. Of course, I have to worry about you. You’re always going to be my baby brother.

Back in the lobby, Ben noticed Nate pacing around on the phone. Nate’s face was all business, not showing an ounce of emotion. Ben laughed. You know, I just had the craziest dream. In it, you told me you were married to that guy over there.

Isn’t that weird? I wonder what Simon would think of that. Jennifer blushed as Ben laughed at his own joke. How was she going to broach the subject with her brother, who looked up to Simon so much? Jennifer cleared her throat and gave it a try.

About that, it wasn’t a dream. It really happened, Ben. Nate and I, we’re married. And with that, Jennifer showed Ben the wedding ring that Nate had slipped onto her finger. Ben’s eyes went wide at the side of it.

Holy shit. That’s a real wedding ring. You’re not messing with me. Does does Simon know? Simon left me for Erica.

It was the first time Jennifer had really said what had happened out loud. Ben couldn’t believe what he was hearing. No way. Though, that does sound like something Erica would do, I guess. I’m so sorry, sis.

Ben gave his sister a hug, and she felt comfortable for the first time since her whole life had fallen apart. Thank you, Ben. Ben ran his hands through her hair and looked back over at Nate, still talking on the phone and looking as serious as ever. So what’s this guy’s deal? You really married him?

And he’s going to operate on me? Pretty much, yeah. I I know it’s a lot to take in. But he’s the only one who can do the surgery. He promises he’ll make you better.

That’s so crazy. So he’s my new brother-in-law? Man, brother-in-law. It feels so weird to say it out loud. Nate got off the phone and walked into the room with Jennifer and Ben.

He put his hand on Jennifer’s shoulder and looked down at Ben. Hello, brother-in-law. I hope you’re feeling better. Yes, sir. Ben said, speaking more respectfully than Jennifer had ever heard him before.

Maybe Ben was stronger and more savvy than she realized. Nate reached into a bag and took out a specially wrapped gift, holding it in front of Ben. As a token of my gratitude to my new family, I have a gift for you. He placed the gift on Ben’s lap. It was perfectly wrapped, like something straight out of a Christmas card.

Ben stared at the present, puzzled. It was a small box. The wrapping on it was tight and so perfect that you couldn’t even see where the seams of the wrapping paper were. Ben tore the wrapping paper off with a childish curiosity, tossing the scraps to the floor as he tried to uncover the present inside. Underneath the wrapping paper was a small leather box with a clasp on the front.

He unhooked the clasp, and the box sprang open, revealing a dazzling gold watch underneath. It had sharp lines and glittered in the light. Ben’s fingers trembled as he picked up the watch and held it in his hands. Wow. I’ve never seen a watch like this before.

It must be expensive, said Ben as he stared down at it. Nate smirked. That is an antique watch. I apologize that it wasn’t tailored specifically for you. It was a last minute decision, so I didn’t have time to prepare anything.

This one is from my vintage collection. I hope you forgive the thoughtlessness of not getting you a tailored watch. Jennifer was in shock. No one had ever given her or Ben a gift like that before. She could tell just by looking at the watch that it was worth more than everything she and Ben owned combined.

Nate, that is quite a gift. At that moment, Nate’s phone rang. He looked down at the phone to see who was calling and shook his head. Sorry, family. I have to take this call and go back to the office.

Jennifer, I will see you for dinner tonight at our home. I’ll have my chauffeur wait for you outside. Take as much time as you want with your brother. As Nate left the room to answer the phone, Ben slipped the watch onto his wrist. He looked down at this shiny gold watch.

It was so shiny, he could see his own reflection in it. This is one hell of a gift, sis. Your new husband is a real catch. Jennifer shook her head. Ben, you cannot accept that gift.

Ben’s smile dropped. But why? It’s my gift. Why can’t I keep it? Jennifer took her brother’s hand.

It’s too much. We barely know him. You can’t accept a gift this nice. It it must be worth a fortune. Ben shook his head.

So I can’t accept the nice watch he gave me, but you can marry the guy? How does that make any sense? Ben had a point. Even Simon, who came from old family money, would never have been able to give away such a valuable watch so casually. And after everything her brother had been through, being rushed to the hospital so suddenly, maybe he did deserve to have something nice.

Jennifer looked down at the watch. It looked so nice on Ben’s wrist. It does suit you. Okay. Fine.

You can keep it. Ben cheered and hugged his sister. Thanks, sis. So what’s this guy’s deal anyway? He must be the richest guy in the city.

Jennifer shrugged her shoulders. I don’t know about that, but he’s definitely wealthy. Ben took her hand. And so you guys are married now? How did that happen?

How long have you 2 known each other? Jennifer didn’t even know how to begin to answer that question. There was no way she could tell him about the real night they met and their steamy love affair. Her cheeks warmed just at the memory of that night, so she pushed those thoughts aside. We just met today, Ben.

It’s a long story. Ben coughed in shock at what he was hearing. That must be a new world record for the fastest marriage ever. Jennifer tried to calm her brother down so that he wouldn’t faint again. You don’t have to worry about all that, Ben.

All you have to do is get better. Nate is the best heart surgeon in the world. He’s going to take great care of you. Ben’s smile dropped. The wheels started turning in his mind, and he could see more clearly what was at stake here.

Sis, did you marry him because of me? Ben couldn’t believe that his sister would give up her freedom for him. She could tell he felt guilty about it. Jennifer looked at him softly. It wasn’t just for you.

Simon cheated on me and abandoned me for Erica. I had nothing, and then this man came into my life and proposed to me. You saw how handsome and powerful he is. It’s not like I’m being held prisoner by some troll. Truth be told, I get way more out of marrying him than he does from me.

I have no idea why he chose me. Well, as long as you’re happy, Ben said, and he gave her a hug. Jennifer held him for a long, long time, and stared down at the watch on his wrist. Has she made the right decision? Was marrying this stranger going to turn out to be a terrible mistake?

She was filled with joy that her brother was being so well taken care of. That was the only thing that mattered to her. But the more she thought about it, and the more she looked at that shining gold watch, she wondered if there was some kind of catch. What does Nate really want from me? Start listening to the exciting audio series for free.

What Makes It Unique?

What sets “The Accidental Seduction” apart from other romance audiobooks is its refreshing take on love and attraction. While many stories in this genre follow predictable paths, this audiobook takes listeners on an unexpected journey. The twists and turns of the story along with witty dialogues and well-timed humor make it an excellent listening experience.

Additionally, the way the emotions are portrayed is subtle and powerful. Instead of focusing only on physical attraction, the story delves into the deeper emotional and psychological aspects of love. It explores how two people from different walks of life can come together through chance and circumstance.

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Final Thoughts

“The Accidental Seduction” is an engrossing romance audiobook. This story is one for engaging characters and excellent narration. Whether you are a fan of romance or looking for a good story to pass the time, this audiobook is for you. Listen to its passion, humor and unexpected twists making it an enjoyable and Makes for a memorable experience.

If you want to lose yourself in the world of “The Accidental Seduction” visit Pocket FM and download the audiobook today. And this story will keep you hooked from start to finish!

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