Supreme Magus Pocket Fm – Review and Download PDF

If you are addicted to thrilling fantasy novels, then this Supreme Magus Story From Pocket FM is a must listen. And this enchanting audiobook takes you on a mystical journey full of spellbinding magic, engaging battles and intriguing characters. Written by Legion20, the story combines elements of adventure, drama and humor, making it an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages.

But you know what makes Supreme Magus stand out from the crowd? Let’s go through a detailed review and explore why this audiobook is gaining popularity on Pocket FM. And how to listen and download PDF of the story for free.

Overview of Supreme Magus Pocket FM

Supreme Magus follows the story of Leith, a man who was reborn into the world of magic after facing a tragic death in his previous life. And with memories of his former life intact, Lith quickly learns to harness his new powers, l. and become a powerful force in a kingdom full of danger. As the story progresses, we see Lith’s struggle with his past. It’s about the choices she makes and how she uses her magical powers to protect the people she loves.

The plot takes unexpected turns, and keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. From his intense magical conflicts to heartwarming moments of character development, Supreme Magus has everything the fantasy lover has to offer.

Review Of Supreme Magus Presented

TitleSupreme Magus
Number of Reviews2.4K
Duration255 hours 52 minutes
Main CharacterDerek Esposito
Plot OverviewDerek Esposito, who endured a life of abuse and suffering, is reborn in a dark world of sorcery. His journey revolves around overcoming his past trauma, mastering magic, and becoming the Supreme Magus.
GenreFantasy, Dark Magic, Rebirth
Key ThemesPain, Suffering, Magic, Revenge, Redemption
WritersTracie and 4 others
Number of Episodes1,032
Popular Episodes– Episode 1: A New Beginning (11:14)
– Episode 2: A Baby’s Day (08:04)
– Episode 28: True Magic (12:51)
Release Timeline1 year ago
Unique FeaturesExtensive episode count, a blend of emotional turmoil and magical elements
App AvailabilityPocket FM (with in-app purchases to unlock more episodes)
Audience ReactionPositive reception for character depth, emotional story arcs, and intriguing magical world

What Makes It Special This Story?

1. Unique World-Building: One of Supreme Magus’ strengths is the detail and world-building. The author skillfully creates a magical world full of complex hierarchies, mysterious creatures and deep knowledge. So that society’s view of magic, the rules that govern it, and the interactions between characters feel authentic and well-thought-out.

2. Character Depth:
Lith is no ordinary hero. He is morally complex, shaped by his past life experiences, and at times, his decisions reflect the traumas of his old world. And that makes him an interesting and relatable character. The supporting cast is also rich with diverse personalities, each contributing to the complexity and depth of the plot.

3. Relatable Themes:
At the core of the story, Supreme Magus explores themes such as redemption, power and the struggle to define oneself. Leith’s internal battles, her search for purpose, and her relationships with others are intricately woven into the story. These relatable themes are helping the audience connect with the characters on a deeper level.

4. Narration and Production Quality:
The Pocket FM version of Supreme Magus is brought to life by talented voice actors. Narration is clear and expressive, with each character’s personality vividly portrayed through voice modulation. And high-quality sound effects and background music add to the immersive experience, making you feel like you’ve stepped into the world of Lith.

    Supreme Magus: Download and Listen for Free

    If you want to lose yourself in the magical world of Supreme Magus, you can download it on Pocket FM. Pocket FM offers the first few episodes for free, making it easy for you to decide whether to continue with the story. Here’s how you can download it:

    1. Fast of all, Install the Pocket FM App:
    Available on both Android and iOS, Pocket FM is easy to find on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

      2. Search for Supreme Magus:
      After installing the app, use the search bar to find Supreme Magus. You can either type in the name or scroll through the fantasy section to locate it.

      Search for Supreme Magus

      3. Start Listening for Free:
      Early episodes are available for free, allowing you to get a feel for the story and characters If you liked the story, Pocket FM can take the premium subscription options to access the complete series.

      4. Download for Offline Listening:
      Pocket FM lets you download episodes for offline listening. This is especially useful if you want to enjoy the story while commuting or in areas without internet access.

        How To Supreme Magus Download in PDF

        Looking to download the “Supreme Magus” story in PDF format? We’ve created a PDF version of the “Supreme Magus” story just for you! No need to worry about any third-party sites—download it directly from our website. Just click Download Button.

        Supreme Magus PDF Download

        Supreme Magus All Episodes in Text Format

        Tried to warn you. I’ll be the most powerful mage this world has ever seen. Lith and Orpul were brothers, but all they wanted was to kill each other. It all started with Leith’s miraculous birth, and you will soon know why. A smiling, healthy baby boy, the joy of everyone’s life.

        But everything about Lyth changed when What’s happening? Kids. What’s happening? Lyth felt a power within him, a power that was unbelievable for a newborn baby to have. Lyth couldn’t believe that he was doing all of this, but then someone took control of everything.

        Nanna. He is sleeping now. What was that? The child is blessed by the light. Litho?

        Her baby boy is practicing magic already? Have magic powers? It’s a miracle. Be silent. It is not natural for a child to show an aptitude for magic this early.

        Come now. You you you saw how he he he I saw nothing. Do not speak of this again. Or there may be dire consequences for the boy. It was clear that Lith was no ordinary boy.

        He was born with special powers, special, which made him different from others. Mine. This is where it all began. And Orpaul could never love his own baby brother. I’m watching you.

        His jealousy only grew with time as Lith grew up to do wonders. Wonders that stunned everyone and his parents felt lucky to have him as their child. I think I can help dad. Lith was delighted with his powers. His practice over the years were showing desired results.

        That’s my boy. That’s my mage. He was so proud to have a mage in the family. But Lith’s gifts made his brother, Orpaul, mad with jealousy. That is just evil.

        Football. Don’t push your little brother. What’s the matter with you? Orpaul, apologize to your brother. Sorry.

        Jerk. Try this one. En garde. You don’t send a chance, Lyth. The person Lyth adored the most in the family was his dear sister, Tissa.

        Lyth had found himself a partner for life. Tissa. Until Lyth. Sweetheart. Can you try using your magic?

        Lyth was not sure if he could help Tissa with his limited practice. I’ll try. But he still stepped up for Tissa. Leth put all of his power and practice into play to cure Tista. He had really hoped high but then It’s okay.

        Thanks for trying taking further. That day, Lith was heartbroken, but this was just the beginning of all the challenges that were coming to him. He had no idea what all were coming up. Any luck? Nothing.

        There’s just no game to hunt. That was the last of our food reserves. What if you go to the king’s hunting ground? You could try going into the Tron woods. Elaina, you know entering is forbidden.

        If I’m caught, they’ll hang me. Then what? If we do nothing, our children starve. I know. I know.

        I’ll go back out. Keep searching. Maybe I could trade for food in in town. I will think of something. Lyth was starting to feel helpless despite having magic.

        On the other hand, Tissa’s condition was worsening day by day. It hurts, mom. I know, sweetheart. We’re going to Namask for more treatment tomorrow. You’ll feel better then.

        We’d all feel better if someone put her out of her misery. Why’d you say that? Look at her. She’s barely alive. There’s not enough food to go around.

        Take it back. Tissa’s our sister and she’s going to get better. You’re both useless. Orpaul’s cruel words about Tissa had raged Lyth, but he was helpless. And then, the mother decided to rely on the only hope, Nanna.

        Nanna was the most renowned lady in the village who had the greatest magical abilities. Lith could sense a weird energy as soon as he entered Nanna’s house. It was almost that the place was waiting for Lyth’s arrival. And it was right then Lyth heard that voice. Come, this way.

        What the hell? Who said that? Did you just talk? I know what you are. What’s happening?

        You are awake. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just a kid. Liv, awaken child. Blessed by light.

        You could be the most powerful mage of all. How? Who are you? What do you think you’re doing, young man? That book is not a Tory.

        Why did you pick it up? What what was that voice? There were flames, and That’s enough, Lyth. Your imagination just got away with you. That’s all.

        You heard a voice. What did it say? Speak. Lith knew that he could not lie to Nana. It’s just in my name.

        That’s all. The flames sparked a smile on Nana’s face too. Only she knew what it meant. This passage, what does it say? Water flows from life, fire is a burning rage, dark magic is borrowed.

        Dark magic requires Enough. He he means no harm. He’s he’s a smart boy. He just learns very quickly. No.

        He has not learned anything. He remembers. He is awakened. Nana was sure about this because the book only calls out to the ones who are. Awaken.

        I don’t understand. What does this mean? You’ve been practicing magic, Abbot. Cast fire. There.

        Even a spark will do. Outside. I need to talk to your mother-in-law. I I don’t understand. You said, Lith is awake.

        I’ve heard stories, but but Nana, he is my son. Our souls are not our own. When we are reborn, we are washed clean. To begin, anew. Lith.

        He has memories of his past life. He is your son, but we don’t know who he was before coming into this realm. Please. His abilities are growing day by day. I just I don’t know what to do anymore.

        You had help. He exhibits power beyond anything I’ve seen in a child of his age. We have no idea who he was before. Good. Evil.

        In the wrong hands. This kind of magic could undo the world. He’s good. I know he is. Please.

        Man, help my son. In 1 year’s time, if the boy has not revealed himself to be a dimwit or a malevolent tyrant, bring Liv to me, and I will take him on as my apprentice. Thank you. Thank you. Yes.

        You won’t regret this. Of course. Then let’s attend to your daughter. Come. Orpal overheard his mother and Nanna speak about Lith, and his mind was working towards a plan that would change everything.

        But unfortunately, as Lith grew stronger, his sister, Tissa’s condition remained the same. Routine treatments from Nana could only keep the sickness at bay. Lith was desperate to step up and help his sister with his magic, sometimes even at the cost of being dark. Lyth was unaware that he was being followed. I knew it.

        I saw what you did. You’re using dark magic. It was an accident. You’re lying. I wanted to help Tissa.

        You’re evil. I always knew, ever since you were born. Orp who stop. I’m your brother. You’re not my brother.

        You’re some kind of demon, and I won’t let you hurt this family. I tried to warn you. I will be the most powerful mage this world has ever seen. Morpaul could not believe what he was seeing. You’re my brother, Orpul.

        I don’t wanna hurt you, but next time you attack me, I won’t hold back. Lith’s display of power was effective in getting his brother off his back for a time. Lith was determined to find food even if it meant venturing into the forbidden woods. Lith knew that the growls in the forbidden jungle only meant one thing, he looked around anxiously, only to realize that death was rushing towards him. Lyth thought there was no way out for him, but right at that moment.

        Okay, kids. Get down. Let go. Easy there, kid. You almost killed me.

        I just saved you. You would have been ripped to shreds if I hadn’t been here. A thank you would be nice. I had it under control. Sure you did.

        What’s a little imp like you doing in the Tron’s woods anyway? You lost? I was hunting. Really? You know hunting in the king’s wood is forbidden?

        Punishable by death. Then why are you here? Because I neither fear the laws of kings nor the claws of beasts. The name’s Celia. You best be running home to your mother, little imp.

        I’m on the hunt and can’t spend all day playing wet nurse. Wait. Teach me how to hunt. Why would I do that? I have magic.

        I can help. I have no use for parlor tricks. Give us a look. The hunter underestimated Liv, but then soon realized that he was actually capable of. Over the next few weeks, the huntress Celia took Lith as an apprentice.

        Cut here. You don’t wanna waste anything. She taught him how to butcher an animal, how to trap, how to hunt. Lith proved to be a fast learner. Bad, little ant.

        His skills finally helped him to provide for his family. And that night, Leth’s family smiled after weeks. Thanks for catching such yummy food, Leth. I used my magic to find the animals. It’s the least I could do.

        Except for Orpaul. Orpaul. What’s gotten into you? Not eating it. What did you say?

        Not eating anything he killed with this evil magic. There’s nothing wrong with it. I’m eating it too. Like, I trust you. I know what you are.

        And one day, I’m going to stop you. Enough. If Whirlpool won’t accept the kindness of his brother, he can just go hungry. Orpul was furious with the situation, but he held himself back as he was preparing for the right time. Lyth had all his effort into training himself but it seemed to drain him even further.

        This way. Hello? Who’s there? Hello? Talking rock?

        Soulless. What? I am called Soulless. At least, I was. Then how did you end up like this?

        It will be easier to show you. There was once a great tower in these woods centuries ago. I was the master of this tower and a master of the magical arts. I bound my soul to the tower in order to enhance my strength and preserve my spirit. I found the witch.

        I was murdered. But thanks to my magic, my spirit survived, linked to the tower. Countless years passed, and the Tower eroded into nothing but pebbles. Woah. Neither of us are as we appear.

        Now, all that remains of the Tower with me is that small stone. So why do you call out to me? I need a host if I have to survive much longer. Someone strong in the ways of magic. Lith was finding it hard to trust her, but then I assure you, the benefits would be neutral.

        If you agree to bind your soul with mine, I can grant you incredible power. Lith thought that he had finally found his way to level up and save his family from all the miseries. Lith decided to stay back and follow what the witch said so that their souls become 1 and Lith becomes a powerful magician. But then, he saw things that scared him to the core. Then again, there was no turning back for him if he wanted to save his family, and most importantly, his sister.

        So he decided to live his fear. While Lith was ready to test his powers now, Orpil kept a keen watch on him. What Orpil saw with his own eyes blew his mind. Lyth was confident that now he would be able to use his magic to cure Tista. But when he tried his magic on Tista, what happened next was an unthinkable nightmare.

        Final Thoughts: Is Supreme Magus Worth Your Time?

        Absolutely! If you are a fan of immersive fantasy stories. Then Supreme Magus can be a great choice. It’s combination of rich world-building, complex characters and top-notch narration makes it a standout on Pocket FM. The themes of power, redemption and identity resonate with a wide audience, making it more than just a simple fantasy story.

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